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Work and Mission

The Church on the Park is infused with the spirit of joyful giving: to our world, to the Canton Community, and to each other. We are a mission-minded congregation eager to bring positive change to the world in ways both large and small.

Typically, our yearly pledged Mission Budget represents the equivalent of 13% to 15% of our Operating Budget and goes to support: the Church and Community Program (C&CP, which our church helped to found in 1974) and its various endeavors; international and national mission through our denomination (the Presbyterian Church USA); the Emergency Fund of our Presbytery’s Ministry In The North Country (MINC); abiding support of three smaller, local Presbyterian churches; the Presbytery’s Salary Partnership Fund to help fill the pulpits of small churches without pastors; and, the Clint McCoy Feeding Center in Malawi, Africa. Additionally, we participate in the denomination’s Pentecost Offering (for “at risk” kids) and One Great Hour of Sharing (to provide disaster assistance, to address hunger and food insecurity, and to fund the Self-Development of People initiative).

Local giving is where the Church on the Park finds its greatest impact. In addition to the above, for over twenty years we have received our own annual Farm Family Offering to help support local famers and their families here in St. Lawrence County. On the first Sunday of each month we receive the Deacon’s Offering which is used to address a variety of needs county-wide. During Advent we undertake the Christmas Giving Program to assist individuals and families who, while not asking for help, sure could use it; particularly, families with school aged-children, the elderly and homebound, and people with acute need.

In certain years, most recently in 2023, generosity within the congregation has allowed additional mission work beyond what has already been stated above and has included: direct financial support of those seeking shelter from domestic violence through Renewal House; funding for all the fresh fruits and vegetables to kids through the elementary schools “Bear Pack Program”; purchasing and paying off medical and dental debt; providing 50 lbs of locally sourced ground beef each month for a year for distribution through the C&CP food pantry; full funding for a children’s art program at the Canton Free Library; support of programs for the elderly through the St. Lawrence County Office of the Aging; emergency rent and utility assistance; and funding assistance for a composting program through the Village of Canton.