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Getting Involved

Every person is invited and welcome to get involved in any area or aspect of the church, to whatever degree or frequency works for them in their lives. Regardless of the nature and scope of the activity, the goal for each is always the same: to get to know each other, strengthen relationships, build community, and enjoy our life together in service and to the glory of God. While there is always a great deal happening at the church throughout the year (see below) and any number of ways to get involved, we are always open to trying something new or doing familiar things in new ways.

Ways To Get Involved:

Participate in worship, either in-person or through the live stream (Sunday at 10 a.m., September through June; 9 a.m. in July and August).

Attend coffee hour following the worship service for good food and lively conversation; or join our virtual Zoom fellowship on-line at the same time.  Get to know your neighbor. You can also volunteer to host one Sunday.

Join the Choir, a festive and feisty bunch that meets from September to June; practice times are Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday at 9 a.m.

Assist with Church School or Nursery Care.

Attend and enjoy a church potluck on Palm Sunday, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Sunday of the Church School Pageant; and at other times of the year when moved by the Spirit.

Help in the kitchen anytime and for any reason.  Just stop in. We’ll find something for you to do befitting your skills and talents.

Attend, support, and/or at work at any of the church’s various fundraisers or social events: Spring Rummage Sale (mid April), Ham Dinner (end of April), Cabbage Roll Dinner (mid September), Fall Rummage Sale (end of September), Fall Bazaar (mid October), Santa In The Park (Friday after Thanksgiving).

Attend the congregational “Sneak Peek” (pizza provided) the Thursday evening before every Rummage Sale.

Help with “Rosemary’s Garden” located at the entrance to the church (a spectacular floral display enjoyed by the entire community).

“Choose a Chore” If you see something that needs doing, or you’d like to do, by all means have at it.

Participate in Women’s Circle which meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. in “Lorna’s Lounge” from September to May.

Participate in the Book Group which meets the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. in “Lorna’s Lounge” from September to May.

Attend the worship service at Partridge Knoll Senior Living Center on the 1st Wednesday of the month, October through June, at 11 a.m. at PK.

Participate in our annual “Celebrate the Gifts of Women Sunday” when the women and girls of our church lead worship (held in March, Women’s History Month).

Participate in our annual “All Church Read” (April).

Attend the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (7 p.m.) and our Maundy Thursday Communion Service (7 p.m. in Fellowship Hall).

Help “Green” the sanctuary following worship the Sunday before Advent begins and “De-Green” at Epiphany.

Come in costume for worship the Sunday before Halloween; a tradition here on the Park. Yes, it is for the kids, but the “big kids” dress up as well.

Help out with a fall or spring “Church Clean-Up Day.”

Volunteer at the Church & Community Program’s thrift store and/or food pantry; or, support our own more modest pantry at the church.

Accompany church kids on their monthly shopping trip to purchase food pantry donations funded by their “Noisy Can” collection (taken the 3rd Sunday of each month during worship).

Serve as an Elder on Session (our church’s “ruling board”) to manage church affairs.

Serve as a Deacon ministering with kindness and compassion to God’s children.

Serve as a representative to the Church and Community Program (C&CP) Board; or serve as a representative to Presbytery.

Serve on any number of church committees or help with whatever project we have going on. We are always doing something.

Last, but certainly not least, learn how to operate the coffee maker (the “holy of holies” in any church); and, for graduate level work, learn to run the dishwasher!