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A Different Kind of Church

Halloween GroupHere at the First Presbyterian Church in Canton, New York, more commonly and affectionately known as “the Church on the Park,” we recognize and appreciate that this is a “different” kind of church from what most folks might have experienced or come to expect. We are innovative while still being familiar, enduring yet welcoming of change, lively as well as loving, and yes, a wee bit quirky (in a good way).

Less a one size fits all and more a canopy extending to cover every shape, size, and ilk, we serve as a “Big Tent” filled with folks from all across the full range of social and political views which are respected as one’s personal right and honored as the purview of one’s own responsibility. Rather than merely singing the melody line with a goal of greater volume, we strive for multi-part harmony which endeavors to attune many voices into a complex, nuanced, and shared song. Rather than seeking to be a church of all one kind, we are a church in search of one of every kind.

While we find comfort and revelation in tradition, those which have been thousands of years in the making and those arising from recent decades, we are not bound by them. Rather, we join with the prophet Isaiah in seeking the “new thing” God is doing in the world, and would have us do with our lives. To this end we bring our collective energy, imagination and resources to creatively build upon our shared past and discern the flow in which the Spirit would have us go, both now, and in the years ahead.

As an abiding and welcoming congregational family united in our faith in God, we aspire to meet each person at whatever place in life they occupy and heartily invite them to join in sharing the journey through this world with one another in all the triumphs and the heartaches we encounter. We recognize that life is extremely challenging for all of us, so we seek to treat each other with the gentleness, non-judgement, and empathy which springs forth from a profound sense of gratitude for divine grace and blessings bestowed.Eller Ordination

In response to our conviction that we have been justified by grace through faith in Christ, we have joined with each other to labor to do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God (Micah 6:8). We are a mission minded congregation, working to make real the Kingdom of God in caring for the Children of God.

Taking seriously the motto of the Reformed Tradition to which we belong, “the church reformed always reforming,” we are a living and growing community of faith, unfinished and open, which is leaning into the future. Following the lead of John Calvin in his Institutes Of The Christian Religion (published in 1536) we extoll our Christian freedom in allowing us to be indifferent regarding outward things that are of themselves “indifferent.” Therefore, we have placed the Gospel of Jesus Christ firmly at the heart of our church’s life, work, and mission in loving God with all of our heart, soul and mind, and loving our neighbor as ourselves (Matt. 22:7). All other matters, issues, and movements we hold as secondary.

In reading these words you evidence that you, yourself, are on your own faith journey and we whole-heartily invite you to come walk awhile with us here at the Church on the Park. Welcome home.