During the school year nursery care is available to little ones upon arrival and for the duration of the worship service. Staffed by two caring and capable young adults from the congregation, kids are provided a simple lesson and/or craft, a snack, ample time to play, and are kept engaged as well as safe.
School-aged children begin Sunday morning in the sanctuary so we might worship together as one community and family of faith. After the scripture reading and a “Time With The Young And Young At Heart” (i.e., children’s sermon) kids head off to Church School where we have implemented a “one-room schoolhouse” approach which has proven to work surprisingly well. Andrea Montgomery, our paid, part-time Church School Director, is adored by the children and provides enlightening, fun, and biblically-based lessons to the kids.
Here on the Park, Christian Education means sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with our children, giving them a foundational understanding of the Bible with its themes, characters and stories, relating scriptural beliefs of right living to their everyday lives, and equipping them with the necessary scriptural, symbolic, and theological tools to help them consider and comprehend ultimate realities.