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The Sunday morning worship service is at the heart of our congregation: the Good News of Jesus Christ is read and proclaimed, sacraments of the Lord’s Supper (Communion) and Baptism observed, thanksgiving and gratefulness for God’s abundant blessings sincerely expressed, prayers of supplication and petition earnestly offered, joys richly shared, burdens and sorrows borne, voices are lifted in song, and music resounds as we share our lives with one another as our offering to God.
Sermons are biblically based, theologically orthodox, intellectually engaging and thought provoking, faith strengthening, aimed to stir the soul, relevant to everyday life, and really, really long. Just kidding with that last item. Humor is a vital element in any good sermon.
Our worship is informal while still being traditional and reverential. Though any given service is less than perfect, because of the Spirit our worship is always complete. Worship is also a bit more relaxed and celebratory than most expect (and certainly much more so than “stiff-necked” presbyterians of yore could ever imagine). Dress is casual, come as you are; we are just happy to see you. Everyone is welcome to share in the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. We love to sing; even if you can’t hold a tune, the tune will hold you. If you are running late don’t be dissuaded, just come on in. Chances are you will not be the last one in the door.
Worship begins at 10 a.m. September through June; 9 a.m. in July and August. Children are very welcome in worship. Nursery care for little ones is provided September though June, and begins prior to the start of the service. School-aged children begin with worship in the sanctuary, then head to Church School (September through June) after the Children’s Sermon (returning to the sanctuary for Communion).
For those worshipping via the live stream on our Youtube channel, the weekly Sunday bulletin is posted on this website so folks can follow along at home. For Communion, we provided juice and wafer packets in a basket on the table in the church foyer for folks to pick up for home use, or they may use bread and juice they have purchased for themselves.